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Personal Information Protection Policy

About acquisition of personal information

We will collect personal information about your name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, credit card information, etc. by appropriate and fair means.

About the purpose of use of personal information

・ Response, confirmation and recording of inquiries, order management, product delivery, etc.
・ Providing service information by e-mail newsletter and DM

Information disclosure to third parties

We will not disclose information to third parties or use it inappropriately except in the following cases.

・ When there is a request from a public institution such as a court or police agency
・ When the consent of the customer is obtained
・ When it is necessary to protect the body and property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer
・ When permitted by law

About protection of personal information

We maintain the accuracy of personal information and manage it safely. In addition, in order to prevent loss, falsification and leakage of personal information, we will take appropriate information security measures against unauthorized access and computer viruses.

Inquiry / correction / deletion of personal information

We will promptly respond to requests for inquiries, corrections, deletions, etc. of personal information from the customer after confirming the identity of the customer. For inquiries regarding personal information, please contact us by phone or email at the contact information on this website.


We may change the above privacy policy without notice in order to respond to changes in personal information protection efforts and changes in laws and regulations.